Anna Wintour este una dintre femeile pe care le admir teribil de tare. O apreciez pentru consecventa (este la carma editiei americane Vogue de peste 30 de ani!!!), pentru ca este o vizionara prin excelenta, pentru stilul vestimentar impecabil, dar si pentru ca ii iese de minune sa fie, in acelasi timp, o prezenta impunatoare si feminina.
Am urmarit cursul sustinut de ea pe platforma Masterclass fara mari asteptari, dar mi-a placut! Mult! Nu sunt niste revelatii, nu spune lucruri nemaiauzite sau nestiute, insa sunt lectii pe care e musai sa le mai auzi din cand in cand spuse de anumite persoane. Si, fara urma de indoiala, Anna Wintour este unul dintre acesti oameni.
E important sa stii cine esti, care este identitatea ta si sa fii asumat in fata oricaror critici: ‘Listen to the information; at the end it has to come from who you are. Own your decisions and own who you are without apology’.
Nu trebuie sa fii de toate pentru toti: ‘You don’t have to be everything to everyone’.
Fara o echipa fantastica, esti nimeni: ‘You are nothing, nothing, without a good team. So I have always tried to surround myself with people that I enjoy, the people whose opinions I respect, whose minds I respect, whose taste I respect, that isn’t always in line with mine, that can do things that I couldn’t possibly dream of doing, that also can shock me’.
Fii open minded si asculta intotdeauna opiniile / perspectiva altora: ‘I have learned to love a surprise, that however much you might talk to an editor about what a shoot or a piece might be, when it comes in, it could be something completely different. And sometimes that’s completely OK. It’s great to have a team that stays with you. And you grow together. And you become, like, second nature to each other. I think it helps me think through the bigger picture. It gives me a different point of view. They can point out times of danger. They can say, we’re not doing enough of this. Maybe this will be taken the wrong way. I think it’s really, really important to have as diverse a group of people in terms of opinion, or backgrounds, age as you possibly can, because it helps inform all the judgments that you make. It helps inform the content that you put out there. And it helps make „Vogue” better’.
Atentia la detalii este esentiala.
Nimic extraordinar nu se intampla peste noapte.
Studiaza lumea si absoarbe ca un burete ce se intampla in spatiul cultural.
Este in regula sa gresesti! Data viitoare vei sti cum sa procedezi mai bine.
Gandeste outside the box: ‘There’s always a time when you know you have to break the rules’.
Tu esti cel care conduce, nu cel care urmeaza (trendurile): ‘You are leading, you are not following. That’s a very important lesson to always keep in your mind’.
Foloseste-te de pozitia pe care o ai pentru a face ceva relevant si de impact: ‘Engage with whatever is happening in the world in a thoughtful way, and stand up for what you believe is right. Take a point of view, and be thoughtful about it, and stand by your convictions’.

Mi-au placut foarte mult si explicatiile pe care le-a oferit cu privire la intens controversata coperta pe care au aparut Kim Kardashian West si Kanye West. Fix despre asta este vorba! Si cred ca e cazul sa o lasam mai moale cu ‘political correctness-ul’ asta dus la extrem.
‘This cover was a deeply controversial cover,’ she said, addressing the Kimy shoot that was met with outrage by some dedicated Vogue readers. But Kim and Kanye were part of the conversation of the day, and for Vogue not to recognize that would have been a big misstep.’
Point taken, nu-i asa?

In aceeasi nota, Anna Wintour vorbeste si despre alegerea facuta cu ani in urma, la fel de socanta si de scandalizatoare pentru unii dintre cititorii Vogue, aceea de a o alege drept cover girl pe Madonna.
‘I see the role of Vogue to reflect what’s going on in the culture. The first celebrity that I put on the cover of Vogue was Madonna, and that was considered completely controversial at the time, too. Now she’s part of the establishment. I think if we just remain deeply tasteful and just put deeply tasteful people on the cover, it would be a rather boring magazine! Nobody would talk about us. It’s very important that people do talk about us.’
ANNA WINTOUR despre ce inseamna un brand: ‘Your brand has to be at the core of all your creative decisions. What is it, what does it stand for, and how do you move it forward?’
Anna Wintour despre ce inseamna sa fii un LEADER: ‘Being a leader means having a strong vision. Being a leader means understanding and responding to criticism. Being a leader means making the tough decisions and taking full responsibility for them. And being a leader means hiring a great team and always giving them credit.’
5 calitati esentiale pe care trebuie sa le aiba un leader, potrivit Annei Wintour:
Abilitati excelente de comunicare
Inteligenta emotionala: ‘Traits of an emotionally intelligent leader include empathy, a positive attitude, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, and self-awareness.’
Adaptabilitate: ‘Times will be tough. Stay true to your vision.’
Capacitatea de a recunoaste meritele fiecarui membru al echipei.
Iti mai recomand sa urmaresti (in cazul in care ti-au scapat): September Issue si 73 Questions with Anna Wintour.
Credit foto Anna Wintour: