I was that little girl with the hair cut short all of my childhood. At kindergarten, I swear, I was the only girl without pigtails.
No medium or long hair, no dresses, nothing specific to a girl. Maybe it seems like nothing, but I grew up super frustrated. Having long hair and wearing a dress were, for the little Raluca, a dream.
In conclusion, the "boy side" I developed in my personality kept me from pursuing several possibilities during my earlier years. I had always believed that I was the "ugly duck" and lacked feminine features.
I don't know what happened during 2015-2016, but my hair started to grow amazingly—not only long, but it seemed to be a lot thicker than I used to have it until those years.

And I was so extremely happy; you can't even imagine. But then I had the burnout, and among the other symptoms, the hair loss was simply unbearable. I remained with half of the hair I previously had.
So after we moved to Cognac, France, it started to fall and fall until I had to cut it short. It was so painful because my mind was so sick and full of negativity, and losing my hair—this thing I loved about myself at that time—was just hard to deal with.

Fast forward:
Then I got pregnant, gave birth to my wonderful Rita, and when she was 6 months, well, the hair started to fall really bad again. I was (again) so desperate; I was this close to cutting it super short. Well, I did, but I went with a bob, the same haircut I had back in France.
I had ups and downs with my hair; I started to take some supplements to help it a little bit. At one point, I remember that I was at a salon, and the woman who was cutting a bit of my hair asked me if I had had cancer because I had had tons of baby hair, like after a massive hair loss episode.

1. Arc Maison; 3. Desene cu lumina
And then, in 2022, I had COVID. You can't even imagine the hair loss I had to deal with AGAIN. This time, my hair fell badly and looked like I hadn't washed or combed it. HORROR. And guess what? I had to cut it again, Bob.

1&2: Desene cu lumina.
And so on, with ups and downs—lots more downs for my hair. Each time I had to cut it because it was not growing enough to regenerate or become thicker. The last time I cut it into a bob was exactly one year ago, before I moved to Spain. From March 2024 until now, I only cut it once, but only the tips.

Desene cu lumina
And reaching the present time, starting November 2024, I am taking collagen from Molecules of Youth: the one for joints, muscles, and bones—1 month—and for the rest of the time, M19, Beauty Collagen Pro for skin, hair, and nails.
I swear it, no exaggerations, for the first time after many years, my hair seems to be on the right path—tons of baby hair; it is looking and feeling thicker; I can arrange it easily. I just love it AGAIN.
I know, the same way with the anxiety, I remain a work in progress and practice daily routines in order to be better. The same way with the hair, I am still trying new supplements because I wish so much to have the long and thicker hair I had in 2015-2016. I know that I might seem superficial, but having long hair makes me feel a bit beautiful, and I really need it for myself, for my self-confidence, to feel beautiful.
So what am I trying along with M19, Beauty Collagen Pro for skin, hair, and nails? M36 Zinc Bisglycinate.

Returning to the title of this article—How My Hair Taught Me to Grow—I realised, going through the photo archive, how much I've grown all these years, how much I've changed, and how many lessons I've learned. I've transformed the pain, suffering, and loss into strength to move on, embrace vulnerability, and seek help through therapy, yoga, and supplements like the one from MOY.
I love myself now like never before. I am feeling feminine, and I am looking back at the little Raluca with short hair, and I tell her, Look, I made it. I made you proud!
You can use this link: https://bit.ly/4e3ZRVp and the code RALUCA10 to enjoy a 10% discount on any purchase of RepublicaBIO, MOY, and HempAID products.
*This article is part of a fantastic collaboration with RepublicaBIO, a Romanian business that I admire.