In today's article, part of the #MusaideVizitat / #MustVisit Campaign, Ioana Buru - the one behind the wonderful photos you'll find here - and I invite you to discover Circa 1703-3071, a place that made me think: Oh, this is where they keep the light!

When I first met Laura, a very talented architect, I thought to myself, "Oh, she is our kind of host!" Laura's red hair, intense blue dress, and distinctive green eyeglasses transform her into a character, not a typical woman. And let me tell you, I have a lot of respect for such exceptional women.

Laura Paraschiv's realm is a celebration of light in all of its forms: lamps, chandeliers, ceiling lamps, and other lighting equipment. Her passion for light extends even deeper as the mirrors become part of this unfolding narrative.

What I find most fascinating about Circa is how Laura repurposes vintage items. She sometimes meticulously crafts objects from scratch, infusing them with her own personality, dreams, and emotions.
You already know how much I adore objects with intriguing backstories, those that seamlessly combine utility with heartfelt meaning, and businesses that stand out.
As I've mentioned in another article, from our visit to 1988 Cultivating Spaces, I infinitely appreciate a product made in limited series by people who continue to pass on the values and crafts of yesteryear, an object whose story begins with the dreams, desires, and emotions of a person. The utility of objects should not exclude the thrill, goosebumps, butterflies in the stomach, or any other pleasant and good feeling they can create for you.

This Must Visit Project serves a purpose: Ioana and I want to show you places where you can not only buy things but also have an authentic and complete experience.
At Circa, you can enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of each corner, as well as the beautiful Romanian folklore-inspired items and a good and inspiring conversation with Laura.
She will never tell you that a lamp or a chandelier is good for your home if she knows it isn't. She sincerely wishes to find the ideal home for each vintage item she has worked on.

There are also decorative items, such as vases and glasses, wooden spoons, and natural fabrics, that can be taken home.

CIRCA 1703–3071 is a store full of vintage design objects perfect for creating unique interior designs. You can find it on DOAMNEI 15 Street, which is conveniently located near Eshte.
photos: Desene cu lumină; I am wearing a beautiful Lali Wear dress.