The event
The Connecting Women Entrepreneurs events, as stated in previous articles (First Edition, Second Edition, Third Edition, Fourth Edition), have a relaxed atmosphere. There are no speeches or presentations. Only an uplifting community of women gathering, interacting, and making genuine connections.
With each edition, I find myself becoming increasingly overwhelmed. The fantastic ambiance, the ladies, and the location (Velocita America House) are all in perfect harmony.
We didn't take many shots (again) since we were all too preoccupied talking to one another and making genuine connections. I am overjoyed with the community that I've been able to put together.

This was supposed to be the final edition, but the girls have begged me to plan one more right before we leave for Spain. So here it is: our final edition is scheduled to take place on March 21st.

Even though March will be my last month in Romania, I intend to keep our community alive from overseas.
These are women whom I greatly admire and appreciate. They all inspire me in so many ways: they are feminine, courageous, strong, and vulnerable at the same time, and they drive things forward despite the fact that we live in a difficult society, particularly for women.
The inspiring women
So here are some of my favourite ladies to look up to. Prepare to expand the number of Instagram accounts you follow. They are some of the most beautiful, inspiring, and admirable women in Romania.
They were some of my guests at my second offline event in the Connecting Women Entrepreneurs series.
Oana Nicolae, franchise owner Velocita America House
Ioana Buru, Desene cu lumină
Iulia Stănescu - Digital Marketing & Educational Consultant. SocialPedia Co-Organizer.
Raluca Nitu - Aire Official
Patricia și Maria- The Yellow Creators
Roxana Badilița- The Young Nomads
Alina Pitilina - Happy Family Design
Olesea- Maison Mimino
Lilia Raicu- Spot Flower Design, Arc Maison
Ina Raicu - Arc Maison
Oana Apopei - Zea & Sia
Ana Chitoran
Ana Conache- Frey Wille
Alina Pitilina - Happy Family Design
Ana Rubeli - Aici a stat
Isabelle Vijiiac - Atelier Isabelle Vijiiac
Laura Hîncu -
Andreea Tocitu - La Fem Club
Oana Busuioc - Bloom Biju
Ioana Enache, Poem Boem
Ema Baniță
Bianca Popa, 1988 Cultivating Spaces
Diana Toncea, 1988 Cultivating Spaces
Maria Mola - Skinergist
Irina - Fleur a porter
Oana Găucă - Genuin Shop
Andreea Șerban - Milk&Honey Events
Emilia Tudoran - Zestal
Alina Tanasa
Valeria Culicovschi
Georgiana Ghiciuc - The Mad Shoes
Alexandra Cotirlan - Saudade
Oana Sofron - Ceva cu dichis
Irina - Cartea cu Mot
Adina Filculescu - enRose
Daciana Teodora Tișe
Thank you so much for your trust, your support, and the dose of inspiration I get from each of you.
My high heels are from The Mad Shoes, my blazer is from Saudade.
A huge thank you to Oana Ruxandra Nicolae, Patricia Iliescu, and the rest of the America House Team!
Thank you for your support. Ioana Buru / Desene cu lumina
Thank you, Alina Pitilina, Happy Family Design, for the flowers!
This event would not have been possible without you!
Velocita America House